Friday, 22 August 2008

Unclean, unclean

Oh, I am a bad, bad blogger! I'm sorry!

In my defence, I have either been phenomenally busy, on a writing spree or both, but even so. I'm never going to earn myself eager readers if I cant even update!

So please: be updated....

Alas, I am unwell!

Over recent days I have developed insomnia. I lie awake at night, tossing and turning, running over the most mundane things in my mind. If the city is placed at point x, how long will it take to reach point y? Check on google route-planner, then add half again to the total time to factor in bad roads, traffic and rouge lycanthropes. I no longer eat proper meals – instead I find myself drinking a small oasis and snacking at odd intervals. I shun human company for the voices in my head. My arms constantly flail in delirium.

In other words, as well as generally turning into the mad woman in the attic (Why oh why did my family thwart me in this by procuring a house without said attic?) I have a serious bout of the writing bug. The evil novel which has spent the last year+ trying to eat my brain (and there aren't even any zombies in it), has, over the last two days, finally decided to co-operate. Which means that nothing else in the world is half as good. I shake like an addict when they try to pull me away. Yesterday, in the supermarket, there was a particularly disturbing moment among the cereal bars.

Unfortunately, much as I would love to surrender myself completely to this sickness and never recover, I don't actually get the chance. You see, this is the weekend of festivals, and I am working at one particular one, selling water-bottles by the way-side. From Friday morning to Monday night there will be no laptop in my life. I am prepared. I will probably survive without too much scarring. I am fully loaded with notebooks and pens, but the idea still terrifies me. (Usually, I must hasten to add, I adore festivals. There is little that is better. Unfortunately, that “little” includes writing.)

In other news, I have a Deep And Meaningful question for anyone/everyone/lily. When The Indelicates play Sixteen at gigs, do the sceenagers forget themselves and sing along? And if so, is it with irony or conviction?...