I love dressing up. Regardless of the occasion – if I have the chance to enclose myself in some costume or other then I’m usually quite a happy bunny. Indeed, I tend to assume most outfits have a mini costume in them... I certainly switch behaviour patterns with clothing choices. (And, having typed that, wondering if this makes me weird.) At the moment I’m most excited about scheming for my friend’s party – still almost a month away – where a large L is the central theme. Should I be obvious? Or abstract? A Lovecat? Lethargy? Little Miss Sunshine? Librarian? The choices are eternal, and huge amounts of fun. And the only option currently crossed out is Little Red Riding Hood, since she are quite prominent today.
Scarlet Sunday accidentally began at seven am. I’m not entirely sure why this was, but it may have had something to do with how much I was enjoying dreaming about publishing the Book of Doom. My subconscious is a hard taskmaster, and presumably suggested rising early to do a bit more editing. Bitch. Anyway, having woken up early my brain was feeling somewhat flaky. I took full advantage of this and went on a procrastination spree. And have a new favourite site: Gala Darling It is possible that she might be the single coolest person in the world, but after about an hour of revelling in her style I was quite ready to slip back into full Lucinda mode. Which, today, involved playing fairytales. My redder-than-red 70’s dress, NHS cloak and the prettiest heels I own. Sadly the big bad wolf didn’t come for me, but we all lived happily ever after anyway. At least until it rained, and I got soaked.

Pretty much the best part of my room only being half-in-place is the photos that can be taken with a full length mirror on the floor.

Unfortunately, it also makes reall full-length shots impossible - Sorry. I think I looked less triangular...

So, do you think I need a haircut yet?...
actually not sure - short or long i guess, in between causes grief....
hope you are doing well
No...it looked good to me when I last saw you. Mine, otoh, is dire and dreadful and makes the Baby Jesus cry...so I might use money I don't have to get it cut tomorrow, except that I'm not convinced I have anyone worth paying to do it here yet.
Love you xxx
Thank you Paul & mother! Bad hair, as far as I know, has never yet made baby Jesus cry (perhaps due to the lack of grooming products around at the time) but if its making you cry that's bad enough. And yes, I think I agree Paul - and I think I'm trying to grow it at the moment. What will happen is anyone's guess.... xx
i have just realised who you remind me of...
kirsten dunst
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